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Up and Comers

We have year-long FALL, WINTER, SPRING, and SUMMER submission seasons culminating in our live FINALE in Chicago, IL.

Our programming allows for:

  • Virtual screening opportunities during our festival
  • In some cases, live screening programming in front of our opening night audience for submitters worldwide
  • Select projects will be granted distribution on our streaming platform

Competition Information

VAiFF is a quarterly competition with four submission periods. Each submission will have a clip/trailer created for it if it doesn’t exist already. The clips will be posted on our website, and a 21-day online voting period will determine the projects that advance to the FINALE COMPETITION.

The FINALE COMPETITION means your entire project will screen at either the LIVE VAiFF event in Chicago or the virtual event in October 2024. Our festival includes:

  • Film screenings
  • Artist performances
  • Workshops
  • Panel discussions
  • Networking and employment opportunities

Seasoned Professionals

For those not looking to compete but seeking festival laurel acceptance and recognition, you can still submit, and it will be screened for inclusion in our live or virtual programming separate from the year-long competition.

Throughout our history, our judges’ panel has included esteemed Academy and Emmy Award Winning and Nominated artists to working professionals in the industry today, including but not limited to:

  • Carl Jones (“The Boondocks”, “Black Dynamite”)
  • Anjul Nigam (“Grey’s Anatomy”)
  • Bob Gale (“Back to the Future” trilogy)
  • And more

Additional Advantages

When you submit to VAiFF, you become eligible for:

  • Personalized crystal awards for the Best Film in each category
  • A FREE COPY OF HARMONY Animation software for the “Best of Animation” winner
  • A chance to be selected for a PAID INTERNSHIP on a new Carl Jones project

Please submit your film via FilmFreeway, providing a secure digital downloadable link. You must follow all entry terms and conditions. Each quarter will accept the first 100 entries per category, and late entries will be considered for the next quarter’s festival.

By submitting your film, you grant us the right to use excerpts for promotional purposes. You agree to provide the necessary screening materials if your film is nominated.

Join VAiFF

Celebrating independent filmmaking, share your passion with our supportive community. One screening at a time, we stand together as Various Artists. VAiFF is a year-long celebration of independent filmmaking. We are all Various Artists and we will stand together as one voice, sharing our passion, one screening at a time.